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Boat Songs, Beach Songs,

      Lobster Songs, Clam Songs


At your restaurant, THE SALTWATER HILLBILLY tones it down and dials it back ……….a lot!! Off comes the signature hat and leis, gone is the silly schtick, gone are the percussion instruments…[unless you want them] and THE SALTWATER HILLBILLY does what he does best………..he sings. Tourists visiting Maine want a fun, familiar, family friendly, and relaxing musical backdrop to their lobster dinner.


"When THE SALTWATER HILLBILLY played we were slammed!"

Larry Crooker....Estes Lobster House


“The tone you set for this room was perfect. And, watching you work the room was a treat”.

Debbie…Restaurant owner from Coco Beach Florida....visiting Maine


“Sebasco Harbor Resort was faced with a difficult task of replacing an event that was decades old and a staple for many long-time guests.  The Saltwater Hillbilly was the right recipe for this challenge as he totally transformed the event to a more interactive, lively and successful event that was embraced by all of our guests – young and old!  His mix of beach, country and maritime songs proved to be a perfect complement for our Seaside Family Suppah!  We can’t wait for next year – thank you Saltwater Hillbilly!”

….Michael Lynch…………….Sebasco Harbor Resort.

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